The Story of God and Israel’s Family (Part 2)

The Story of God and Israel’s Family (Part 2)

October 5, 2022
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We make hundreds of choices every day. What is one choice you made today? What type of feelings did you experience when you were making this choice?


Give each family member a copy of The Story of God and Israel’s Family (Part 2) and read the following:

Part A: Entering a New Garden

We’ve been exploring how God and His human partners keep reliving the Story of God, Humanity, and Creation.

In the first part of the Story of God and Israel’s FamilyGod rescues the family of Israel from Egypt and makes a special covenant with them in the Wilderness. He even camps with them in His own tent that is designed to remind them of the Garden of Eden.

However, the same people He brought out of Egypt don’t trust Him to bring them into the land He had promised them. All but two people who were over the age of 20 when they left Egypt died in the Wilderness. Joshua is one of them. And it is Joshua’s job to lead Israel’s Family into the Promised Land. 

The Bible describes the Promised Land as a garden that is full of milk, honey, and fruit. Milk comes from sheep, cows, and goats that have plenty of food to eat. Honey is only possible if bees can gather nectar from a lot of flowers. Fruit means that there are a lot of vines and trees in this garden. 

The Promised Land is the place where the Israelites will live by Yahweh’s wisdom. They will show the other nations how Yahweh is different from the gods they serve. But like God gave Adam and Eve a choice in the Garden of Eden, He also gives the Israelites a choice.

To illustrate this storyboard, we’ll watch two different videos. The first video covers the book of Joshua. As you watch, pay attention to the parts of the story that follow the pattern of wild places through making a choice.  Practice

  • Jesus lived out the Bible’s story. One way we practice the way of Jesus is by learning to find ourselves in the Bible’s story as Jesus did.
  • This week’s worksheet is a storyboard of the Story of God and Israel’s Family when they entered and made their home in the land God promised to Abraham. Once again, this story echoes the Story of God, Humanity, and Creation
  • Guide your family in illustrating the first six boxes (see notes below).
  • A list of important words appears on the right-hand side of the page. These words are important because they appear in many other Bible stories.
  • If you are compiling a Bible Binder, this page goes in the Torah section.

Notes for each box:

Wild Places  

  • Even though God was with them in the wilderness, it was still a wild place. 
  • The Bible talks about wild places as places that don’t have order. They aren’t cultivated and peaceful like the Garden of Eden. This was definitely true of the wilderness between Egypt and the Promised Land. They didn’t even have food there. God had to provide manna for them.
  • This place is also wild because the Israelites themselves follow their own desires in a way that is compared to wild animals.

Through the Waters

  • Just as God brought the Israelites (and the Egyptians who came with them) through the Sea of Reeds (a.k.a. The Red Sea), He brings this generation through the Jordan River. Once again, the crossing is miraculous. The river was at flood stage, but when the priests who were carrying the Ark of the Covenant stepped into it, the water stopped flowing.
  • After everyone had crossed, one leader from each tribe went back into the riverbed and picked up a stone near where the priests stood in the center. They took these stones to their camp and stacked them so that they could always remember how God had brought them through the waters of the Jordan…which also reminded them of the Sea of Reeds.


  • The priests had the ongoing job of blessing the people. They reminded them that they were God’s representatives to the other nations.


  • Even though they were already in covenant with God, the Israelites listened to Joshua read their covenant agreement to them again once they arrived in the land. They were to read and renew the covenant every 7 years.


  • Remember that the Promised Land is full of milk, honey, and fruit. These are all words that describe a Garden that is full of life.
  • Every tribe settles in the region God gave them.


  • Notice the word evil here and remember the choice at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This choice involved doing what was good “in their own eyes.” Here, Joshua flips it. He asks them if it seems evil to them to serve Yahweh.

Part B: The Road to Exile

The next part of the story takes place over about 700 years! Remember that just like God gave Adam and Eve a choice in the Garden of Eden, He also gives the Israelites a choice. Will they be faithful to the covenant? Or will they do what is right in their own eyes?

As we watch the video on Kings, pay attention to the how this story follows the pattern of reveal, promise, and life outside the garden.


  • Guide your family in illustrating the remaining boxes (see notes below).

Notes for each box:


  • The book of Judges is one disaster after another. Time and again, the people choose not to serve God. This continues through the books of I and II Kings. 


  • Because the people choose not to serve God, prophets warn them that they will be exiled from the land, just as Moses predicted. But God promises that a new King – the Messiah – will come from David’s family and bring them back to the Garden-land.

Out of the Garden

  • God stops protecting the Israelites. First the Israelites living in the North, and then those living in the South, are attacked and forced to leave the new Garden.
  • God’s presence also leaves the Temple, and the Temple is destroyed.

Note: The boxes for each scene are well-suited for Instagram stories and reels. We’d love to see your students’ illustrations! If you’d like to share them, use the hashtag #onestorybible. You can find us on Instagram at

Keep Exploring the Story

Choose the path that’s the best fit for your family:

This worksheet is part of our upcoming Giver of Rest homeschool curriculum. If you want to follow this path, we recommend you start with our free Teach Us To Pray homeschool curriculum. This 32-lesson course will take your family on a journey through the biblical story as you explore the rich meaning behind the Shema, the Jesus Creed, and the Lord’s Prayer.

This worksheet is included in OneStory’s family guides for BibleProject’s Understanding Biblical Narrative course. This six-part course builds on the foundation of the Intro the Bible course.

The Story of God and Noah’s family is the fourth story in our Story of the Week series. Each week, we’ll zoom into one section of the storyline and email resources to help you explore this story with your family. You can also follow along with our Story of the Week journey on facebook and Instagram. Sign up to the receive the Story of the Week below. 

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Previous Story: The Story of the Exodus

Next Story: The Story of Jesus

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