Teaching Kids About Holiness: Jesus’ Imagination and God’s Presence

Teaching Kids About Holiness: Jesus’ Imagination and God’s Presence

July 27, 2023

When your kids hear the words holy or holiness, what do they picture in their heads? A cathedral? A cow? A caped crusader? (“Holy cow, Batman! Look at that stained glass window!”)

Pictures are powerful, so it fascinates me that Jesus’ imagination entertained images of holiness, too. He, however, would’ve pictured things like a burning bush, an ornate tent, and a hot coal. Jesus knew that there was something fiery about holiness. These pictures, in turn, shaped how he thought about what it looks like to live in God’s presence and even share God’s holiness. Of course, it didn’t stop there. Jesus also acted it out!

As a parent, I want my kids’ imaginations to entertain the same pictures that captivated Jesus. I want these pictures to help them follow Jesus into God’s presence. I want to help stoke their desire to embrace to holy lives.

Holiness Family Guide

My kids absolutely love BibleProject’s video on holiness for this exact reason: it captures their imaginations. It also helps connect the fire of God’s holiness to something they see everyday: the sun. Like the sun, God is unique, powerful, and a source of life.

This guide uses BibleProject‘s holiness theme video to help your family explore the idea of holiness and how it connects to God’s presence.

Everything you need to lead your family in this study is in the Family Guide Resources section below. Simply print worksheets for every member of your family and download the parent guide. Some parents prefer to print it while others read from a screen. The parent guide will let you know when it’s time to watch the video.

This family Bible lesson includes five sections:

  • a recommended prayer
  • an engagement question designed to bridge the gap between our world and the world of the Bible
  • an exploration section featuring a video from BibleProject and a conversation guide
  • a worksheet designed to help you remember what you’ve just studied and practice approaching the Bible as Jesus did
  • a summary that invites your family to imaginatively respond to God’s holiness

Family Guide Resources: Holiness

When you are done, file worksheets in a Bible Binder. This can become resource you’ll enjoy for years to come.

Keep Exploring

This lesson is part of a unit on Leviticus in our free Giver of Rest homeschool curriculum. This 32-lesson course will take your family on a journey through the Torah as you explore the character of God and His desire to give His people rest.

Here’s a snapshot:

  • Scripture focus: overviews of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
  • How to Read the Bible: Literary Styles, Ancient Meditation Literature
  • Themes: Sabbath, Character of God, Holiness, the Law, Justice
  • Word Studies: Compassion, Grace, Slow-to-Anger, Mercy, Faithful
  • Spiritual Practices: Meditation, Resting and Working

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